ADSL Connection (solution)

Gilles Fourchet gilles.fourchet-zzOxFVvAfJPQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sat Sep 27 01:15:16 UTC 2003

Hi all,

In the past weeks, I asked for your help because I was not able to get my ADSL connection up and running.  After having checking everything, we all agreed that it was something weird and/or stupid.

Actually, it was because of something very stupid: (please do not laugh) because I relied on Bell.

After having opening 2 tickets to Bell (one from my provider to Bell Nexxia to check their network) and one from me to Bell Residential (to come in to check my inside phone installation), the answer was: everything is fine and you are the problem (it is not was they said but it was what it meant).  Of course, my provider did not do what to do but opened another ticket to Bell Nexxia.  And guess what: I received a phone call 2 days ago to ask me to check whether my connection was working.  Of course, it was working and when I asked the question, the answer was: "Oh, it was a programming not completed on our side."

I do not know how Bell is working but it would be very interesting to have them explaining how they can test a network with a faulty configuration and find it okay.

anyway, I would like to thank all of you for your help.


PS: By the way, I just switched to EOL.  Technically speaking, they are not that good but they care about their customers, which as important (not to say more).
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