Need help with crontab
waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at
waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at
Sat Sep 20 23:04:47 UTC 2003
Yes, I did RTFM. The latest Windows virus making the rounds is
affecting even this linux user. I have a 10 megabyte inbox at
which I use because it allows me full control over blocking. That box
has already overflowed twice in the past couple of days, thanks to Gibe.F
(or whatever it's called). I normally use mutt to pull email manually
into my home directory via a script ~/bin/clssmailin which consists of
the lines...
ssh -P -f -L my_user_ID-1sV0mdQTbhc at sleep 25
/usr/bin/mutt -F /home/waltdnes/.symmutt/clssmuttrc
by putting "push Gqy" into the config file, mutt receives the keystrokes
G - (Get popmail) followed by
q - quit
y - "yes" to the confirmation prompt
setting 10110 as the pop port, and as the pop server are the
only changes required for ssh-tunneling
Given the approximate 2/3rd of a megabyte per hour I get from my
mailing lists+Gibe.F, I'd like to automate this, so the computer can
pull it without me having to issue the command manually. I've tried
crontab as follows...
# use /bin/sh to run commands, no matter what /etc/passwd says
# no mail sent
# run every hour
43 * * * * /misc/home/waltdnes/bin/clssmailin >> /misc/home/waltdnes/out 2>&1
(*YES* it is /misc/home/waltdnes) Nothing happens, and the out file
gets the message...
sh: line 1: gettext: command not found
No recipients were specified.
When I run clssmailin manually, it works, although I do get the
"sh: line 1: gettext: command not found" message. I've tried it with
and without "#!/bin/sh" as the first line. Any clues on getting this to
Walter Dnes <waltdnes-SLHPyeZ9y/tg9hUCZPvPmw at>
Email users are divided into two classes;
1) Those who have effective spam-blocking
2) Those who wish they did
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