"As for the GPL, it's total war."

Keith Mastin kmastin-PzQIwG9Jn9VAFePFGvp55w at public.gmane.org
Fri Oct 31 00:43:04 UTC 2003

> On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 05:59:42AM -0500, JoeHill wrote:
>> Now SCO has submitted it's arguments in detail, and it's quite plain
>> that they are going for the whole munchie.
> It doesn't matter if the GPL stands or falls in court: (a) this is an
> American court, and they do not control the legal system of other
> countries (eg. Canadian and American copyright law appear to be quite

Don't be so sure about that just yet... American laws do affect canadians,
especially in a field like tech where virtually nothing has been tested in
court yet. One of the biggest eye openers I've gotten yet is insurance.
Insurance rates for my company more than tripled last year because an
American court said that a broker was wrong to write 3rd party liability
out of the insurance contract. Bingo, now I gotta pay triple.

This common law system (relies on legal precedence) applies in most of
Canada, Quebec has it different with a civil law system that decides on
the merits of each case. Common law has been really helpful to judges in
areas where no legislation exists, tech being one of them.

OTOH, once Canadian legislators get a hold of an area where new laws are
required, we might get lucky, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.

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