package management tests: Debian, Mandrake winners

John Moniz john.moniz-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Tue Oct 28 02:07:21 UTC 2003

JoeHill wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 12:33:40 -0500
>Toomas Karmo <verbum-qazKcTl6WRFWk0Htik3J/w at> uttered:
>>This same 
>>person has just drawn my attention to a Mandrake newsletter which
>>itself refers to The
>> article is a report on tests of package
>>management in Debian, Mandrake, RedHat, Slackware, and SuSE. 
>>The winner is Debian. Mandrake comes in second. 
>Slackware has package management?!
>Seriously, though, Mandrake has come a long way, there's even a new tool
>which I wasn't aware of until James Sparenburg on the Mandrake lists
>pointed it out, it's called urpmi.setup, and it's on the install CD's.
>I've always relied on, but
>apparently urpmi.setup makes it even easier.
>I am not at all surprised that Mandrake did so well, urpmi is a killer,
>and I've barely scratched the surface in terms of it's useability.
>Apt-get must be *phenomenal*.
The problem I'm having with Mandrake's urpmi is that it sees my AMD K6-2 
300MHz CPU as a 386 chip and doesn't seem to allow setting up the source 
list for downloading and updating if it isn't a 586 chip. Urpmi worked 
on my AMD K6-2 450MHz though.

Apt-get and up2date has no such worries.


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