B.I.O.S. to lock out non-Windows code ?

Keith Mastin kmastin-PzQIwG9Jn9VAFePFGvp55w at public.gmane.org
Sun Oct 12 19:24:43 UTC 2003

<quote who="JoeHill">
>> The problem with communism is... who would police the whole damn
>> thing? That's what I wanna know. :)
> Weeeelll, it depends on how you define communism, of course. Soviet
> style communism doesn't work any more than Corporate Capitalism does,
> for reasons I outline in my manifesto.

Soviets were socialists, more state capitalism than communism. Marx and
Engels have pretty much defined communism in the Communist Manifesto.

> The only viable social system, in the long run, is more anarchist in
> nature, maybe we could call it Chomskyism ;-)
> *He* actually calls it "Anarcho-Syndicalism", a highly decentralized and
> directly democratic "government" that is truly 'of the people, for the
> people, and by the people'.

And why is this a viable social system? Every other 'viable social system'
we've had has been a failure. This one would succeed? I'll tell ya why it
won't work for me. I hate voting. If you make me vote, you defeat your own
purpose. Democracy is for the birds. I figure tribal anarchism though...
as long as I get to be boss, I don't care. :)

> You really ought to read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United
> States". He provides several case studies which support the thesis that,
> left alone by authority, people do *not* revert to a Lord-of-the-Flies
> type existence, but in fact automagically build their own stable,
> cohesive, and democratic communities.

At a macro-social level perhaps. Input the concept of ownership and
currency and Lord of the Flies soon looks like a cakewalk. Lets see what
happens after the next global war.

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