Microsoft Must be held accountable.
joehill-rieW9WUcm8FFJ04o6PK0Fg at
Sun Oct 12 11:54:52 UTC 2003
On Sun, 12 Oct 2003 06:44:59 -0400 (EDT)
"Keith Mastin" <kmastin-PzQIwG9Jn9VAFePFGvp55w at> uttered:
> Something like 85% of the world is using M$ on the desktop, most of
> them with default settings. If you lock them out of your site, the
> recursive hits will reflect how big the impact is. You will have no
> impact on the effectiveness of the spammers. Better to make an offer
> to teach people how to secure a windows box and throw linux at them as
> a viable alternative.
Well, this is what I am aiming for, though obviously not in the manner
you see as most effective. All I'm saying is, "if you want to
communicate with me, here is how you can do that."
> > the latest MS patch for this vulnerability doesn't even work, MS
> > says"they're working on it...". Why would I want to encourage people
> > to use such a thing? Have you checked your Apache logs lately? Do
> > you ever run snort or ethereal? Infected Windows crap is eating up
> > bandwidth like
> I run an IDS on my home network all the time, and just my firewall
> logs are horrendous on the co-lo'd servers. I know what you mean, but
> you also have to remember that broadcasting is the nature of ethernet.
> It*_seemed_* like a good idea at the time.
and I think it's still a good idea, it's just that *some people* have
taken that nature and abused it or used it improperly. As I say, all I'm
trying to do is let people know who the real culprit is, the one that
lets spammers hide their identities, allows malicious code to spread,
> > there's no tomorrow, and I'm supposed to put up with this? It takes
> > me 3 minutes to send an e-mail sometimes because my ISP is so
> > overloaded with pondscum emanating from compromised XP boxes.
> Your ISP owns the physical layer locally. They have the $$ to put a
> couple big Sun boxes in with postfix to relay the mail. Talk to them.
ROTLMAO! oh, wait, yer serious...;-) I think this is where "voting with
your wallet" comes in, I don't think Sympatico, like MS, will seriously
wake up until they see their bottom line dropping like a stone.
> > This is not just going to work itself out, it's about time some
> > people started messing up MS's bed.
> You are dangerously approaching cyber-terrorism. Our fix is
> proactiveley using education and community support to combat M$ism. If
> we resort to the same tactics as those we would prefer to see shut
> down, what does that make us?
I don't want to launch a DOS attack or anything, I just want the
education to be more difficult to ignore, more "in your face", but I
have made it as polite and inoffensive as humanly possible.
> We complain when the government makes a document available only in M$
> word format. If we complain to the right people, we might actually
> accomplish something.
No argument there! I send e-mails every chance I get to everyone who has
an address when the need arises, you can bet on that. I even sent one to
the NDP to ask if they could please send me their newsletter in *non*
HTML format :-)
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