Toronto FreeNet stable now; wish it were co-op, tho

Serge Kuznetsov skuznets-WRMZ5ucGVl4BXFe83j6qeQ at
Sun Nov 30 14:39:24 UTC 2003

> Incidentally, in the **BEST** of all possible worlds, Toronto FreeNet would be
> a co-op, owned and operated by members in the manner of a credit union, 
> with enough commercial and technical muscle to arrange its own DSLAMs
> instead of buying from WizNet. Heck: if anything really cried out for a co-op
    You are making BIG mistake thinking what DSLAMs are property of WizNet.
DSLAMs owned by Bell, and all other ADSL providers just renting some user's ports
on it.
    You can make the test. You can have at the same time connections to two or more
different providers in the city ( for example FreeNet, IStop, and WizNet ),
And you will have three ppp interfaces in this case. Ethernet concentrator on Bell's side
will get your userid and based on realm (,, @whatever ) will send
request to specified provider's radius server, and if it's authorized by providrer's radius server
it opens L2TP tunnel to that provider, and at the same time sends some accouning information
about your connection to provider's radius accounting server.

    That's my two cents.

> Rapidly, 
> Tom = Tom Karmo
> 416-971-6955

All the Best!
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