Keith Mastin kmastin-PzQIwG9Jn9VAFePFGvp55w at
Sat Nov 29 21:19:02 UTC 2003

>> As opposed to toeing IBM's line?  You (intentionly or unintentionally)
>> forget that "the bad guy" back then was not Microsoft; rather, it was
>> IBM and Mac, both of which tried their best to squeeze every penny from
>> the users.  It was Microsoft who gave out Windows for "free".
>> Windows/DOS is owned by Microsoft, and it can do whatever it wants with
>> it.  This includes
>>     - putting bugs, incompatibilies, features, and additions.
>>     - setting price of software, support, etc.
>>     - ...
>> As sole legal owner of Windows/DOS, Bill Gates does not require your
>> approval or blessing in the running of his commerce.  It's his right to
>> make money, and it's his right to lose money.  Microsoft has no duty or
>> obligation to you or to make your life easier.  Maybe you should've
>> attended the last NewbieTLUG presentation.
> When a company has such control of the market, as MS does, and puts
> barriers up that make it virtually impossible for a competitor to enter,
> that's called restraint of trade.  IBM, on the other hand, not only
> allowed MS to sell DOS to others, it also published the BIOS, which
> allowed others, such as Compaq to build competing systems.  And with the
> main frame systems, where IBM tried to remain proprietary, while
> certainly the dominant company, they were by no means the only one
> making main frames.  You could go to Univac or GE or ...  Further, even
> back in the 60's there was a line of IBM "clones".  These were mil spec
> systems built by Collins (now part of Rockwell).  While the hardware was
> completely different, they were software compatible with the IBM 360.  I
> used to support them, when they were used as part of the Air Canada
> reservation system.

IBM never ever called me to first request a list of all customers I have
build machines without their software, and then threatened me with court
action if I did not comply. M$ tried rattling my tree a couple years back
using these tactics. I would say that was quite an invasive attempt at
market dominance, and I have no idea on how many other companies have been
similarily threatened and (gulp) responded to the request by providing the

What really scares me is that BeechTree is essentailly a one-man show. I
would think that they should have been targetting bigger fish than I.

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