James Knott
james.knott-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Sat Nov 29 20:48:34 UTC 2003
William Park wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 29, 2003 at 09:01:26AM -0500, cbbrowne-HInyCGIudOg at wrote:
>>And what is further interesting about the Microsoft situation is that
>>the _genuine_ political opposition is mostly taking place outside the
>>In the US, Microsoft can wave the American flag and say, "Support us!
>>It's Unamerican to do otherwise!"
>>But any place where they are 'alien,' the money that goes into licenses
>>is being sent to a foreign nation, taking money out of the domestic
>>software market. Microsoft can pay for a lot of lobbyists, but the only
>>country in which they can play the "patriotism" card is the US. If they
>>buy off politicians, it can't be disguised as some form of patriotism.
> It's quite amusing to see all these cheap shots directed at Microsoft,
> while leaving the hardware players (ie. Intel, IBM) alone. Whether it's
> OS/2, Windows, DOS, or Linux, they're all running on Intel CPU. If
> Microsoft's dominance is so bad, then Intel's position is worse by order
> of magnitude.
Well, the computer I'm typing this on, is powered by an AMD Athlon XP
1700+. I don't recall seeing an "Intel Inside" sticker on it. ;-)
Also, one nice thing about Linux, is that it can run on just about any
CPU. Last I checked, you could even run it on IBM big iron, Power PC,
68000, Itanic, Alpha etc. There was also a version of OS/2 that ran on
the PowerPC and some versions of Windows could run on other CPUs. So,
if Intel disappeared tomorrow, it wouldn't cause more than a short term
disruption, as others, primarily AMD could step in to fill the void.
> So far, Korean (federal) and German (municipal) government decided to
> try Linux. This means Intel CPU, also. Where are the commies when you
> really need them?
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