IBM Linux Video, going OT...

Byron Sonne blsonne-bJEeYj9oJeDQT0dZR+AlfA at
Fri Nov 21 04:29:28 UTC 2003

> Oh? Why is that? If a corporation wants to release a piece of software
> that will benefit those who use it, if it's available freely for all to
> use and contribute to, what's the beef? My own personal belief is that if
> it doesn't violate the license to use it, fill yer boots.

<philisophical rant>

I'd argue that the only things worth anything are those that you can't 
put a value on.

Of course that becomes impractical so compromises are made, collectively 
and personally, that often times result in a great deal of good. You 
gotta get by somehow. But everything derived is tainted, however 
miniscule. So by eliminating money from the equation all together, it's 
a step towards operating in a karmic clean room, if you will :)

Trying to live by your principles can be quite a challenge, and I am 
reminded of this by what I experienced as a vegetarian some years ago, 
though I am not any longer. Linux, OSS, freeware, BSD, it is just 
software when you look at it scientifically or rationally. But like 
discovering middle eastern food when you come from a basically 
meat-and-potatoes-eatin' family, it presents you with other options (and 
tasty ones too!) so you can live closer to the way you want to live. 
That's priceless.



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