Windows refund: UNstymied

Max Blanco blanco-S8qYAnHmZTt34ZA5RureAJ4VBq8PJc8F at
Sat Aug 30 03:00:52 UTC 2003

On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Keith Mastin wrote:

> >>

> I agree to where I've been sseing this thread going, but I have a question...
> Where will this all lead to? We send a petition, they look at it and

Tongue firmly planted in cheek...:

Imagine a person X and a group Y, vendor A.
X must agree to document, document, document! 
(as in original linuxtoday article; anyone have that reference?)

Where I see this going is this (t = #days):

t=0:  -1) X and Y agree on a course of action.
t=1:   0) X starts process with vendor.
t=30   1) Y: set up a web page offering help for DIYselfers.
t=60   2) X and A go to small claims court
t=60.5 3) X and Y party
t=61   4) Y posts newsblitz: 1 peson helped
t=65   5) repeat steps 0-5 with 10**i more people.

The process will evolve, but not much.  At the end of 111th student, Y 
should have iron-clad method for profit extraction.  (If we bottle it, we 
can sell the company for $$$$$$$... 8)
Y can give "refund science" diplomas to XXXXXXXXXs. 
Y can sell "refund science" tshirts for fun...draising.

--->The real benefit is that Y and X learn how to DIY.<---

> Dell is a business, so they make decisions based on the bottom line.

> future bottom line or they won't budge. Why should they if it isn't
> plesing to shareholders?

t=180: A gives up the fight and redrafts "licence" after 1111th 
        refund scientist graduates
t=181: global linux user party (A drops by for a beer, too)

"pleasing to the bottom line" = "no negative publicity" +  $199 x 1111

$199 x 1111 = 221089 displeasures to shareholders.
This comes from *bottom line* profits, not revenues.

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