SCO has valid case

Emir emir-rdkfGonbjUTTQjIoRn/dzw at
Sat Aug 23 12:59:26 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

Rick Tomaschuk wrote:
| Having viewed the presentation, SCO has a convincing argument to claim
| damages from IBM for 2.4-2.6 kernel for multirocessor, JFS, etc. code.
| MY UNDERSTANDING is that it is not SCO's intention to undermine the
| Linux effort but rather to survive as a "for profit" company in a free
| market. Provisions will be made for Linux...stay tuned to SCO! As for
| the "greek" code or otherwise in the powerpoint this was how it was
| presented PRIOR to NDA. My understanding is that SCO owns copyrights
| and trademarks for UNIX SYSTEM V. Most other (nearly all) UNIXes are
| based upon licences from SYSTEM V (AT&T) so SCO is at the root of the
| UNIX tree.  I'm as amazed to hear all this as is everyone. As for
| reporters and their articles I've read and will continue to read all I
| can find.

Your understanding obviously sucks.  SCO has failed to make it as a legitimate
tech business so they turned to a holding company that intends to make money
through litigation.  What they're doing can't be described as anything but
harmful, striking Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt into hearts of IT managers who'd
like to adopt Linux as a cheaper, more reliable platform but are worried of the
legal liabilities they may be assuming with that.  Furthermore, they have
declared GPL illegal, and GPL stands at the base of the Linux, and indeed Free
Software, Movement.  How could this possibly not an attempt to harm it?

However, I'm not suprised that your understanding sucks, for you are so
obviously uninformed, not only on the current issue (SCO vs. IBM) but on the
UNIX history in general.  Before you embarass yourself in pulic again, I
strongly advise you to learn some of this history, and pay particular attention
~ to the following keywords: AT&T, Berkeley, System V, 4.4BSD.  I'm not here to
teach you (I'm here to make fun of you), but suffice to say SCO *is not* at the
root of the UNIX tree.

- --

"If there's anything more important than my ego around,
~ I want it caught and shot now."    [Zaphod Beeblebrox]
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