SCO has valid case

Anton Markov anton-F0u+EriZ6ihBDgjK7y7TUQ at
Sun Aug 24 02:55:23 UTC 2003

Rick Tomaschuk wrote:

> What on earth is
>wrong with a free market? Our whole economy is based on a free market.
>The world is moving toward globalization. The GPL is a welcome
>addition to our world but we still need to maintain other options. IMHO
    There is nothing wrong with the free market.  However, using the 
system of laws which is
designed to restrict (opposite of free) rights to do business is not 
what I consider free market
economy.  Rather than spending their energy on developing a better 
product to compete with linux,
or capitalising on its use like IBM has done, SCO is trying to succeed 
by bringing others down
which is the first sign of a bandit (couldn't find a better term).  And 
what do you mean by other
options?  (I'll spare you my ironic example).

    Also on the topic of corporations (in response to another recent 
post) I would like to say that
corporations where originally designed to protect individuals from law 
suits, governments (tax
collections, inspections, and other nonsense), etc.  However, when the 
corporation is ran by a
hired or public body  (management, shareholders), it becomes a body much 
like our government,
and no better than it.

    I personally agree with Peter that we need to solve the problem 
first (if SCO actually identifies it)
and then worry about who is to blame.  I personally think lawsuits 
should have a time limit - 6 months
and then it's over.  That way normal people can get on with their life.



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