SCO has valid case

Emir emir-rdkfGonbjUTTQjIoRn/dzw at
Fri Aug 22 20:44:48 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

On 22/08/2003 16:10, rickl-ZACYGPecefkNbK0NzMECUg at wrote:

| I was at SCO Forum this week and viewed some of the disputed code and
| SCO's explanations both without and with NDA. They have a valid case.
| Linux kernel 2.4 to 2.6 contains AIX code which allows scalability
| beyond that which would have been available in a "regular development
| timeframe". Anyone interested in a copy of the non-nda PPT let me know
| and I'll email you a copy. I've tried several postings to the list
| server  but it does'nt seem to be working.

Couple of points here, Rick:

1. Unless you're a judge in a US Court of Law with jurisdiction over this
case, I'd strongly recommend you *never* state it as a fact that SCO does or
does not have a valid case.  Signing SCO's NDA and sitting through their
PowerPoint presentation doesn't make you qualified to make such judgments, at
least not in a public forum such as this one.  Nobody's gonna stop you, but it
can't be considered anything but FUD and thus your credibility takes the
one-way trip down the sewers of our fine City.

2. Assuming it's the same presentation everyone else saw, it's already been
taken apart by many UNIX experts, and Bruce Perens himself wrote an analysis
of the presentation (

3. Let's talk logic for a moment here: IBM is at risk to lose $3bn, maybe
more, from a company they can buy for $25M.  Do you honestly think IBM's army
of IP lawyers (and IBM is rumoured to have the largest collection of those in
history of human kind) overlooked that and it took *you* to figure the case is
in SCO's favour?

At the end, I'm gonna tell you something you should've been told a long time
ago: not everything you see on a PowerPoint slide is necessarily true.

- --

"The rancorous Supreme Court pronouncement on the 2000 Presidential election
~ ought to remind everyone that the US' legal system is at best a lottery,
~ and at worst, deeply swayed by human vices."             -- Andrew Orlowski
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