6.2 vs. 7.3
Keith Mastin
kmastin-PzQIwG9Jn9VAFePFGvp55w at public.gmane.org
Tue Aug 19 22:59:28 UTC 2003
> about makefile, compiling the kernel (for the first time), etc. So, my
> question is: Is Rh 6.2 going to so much faster on this machine that's
> it's going to be worth my daughter being without a computer for a month
> while I try to get it to do what 7.3 will do right out of the box?
Really, the bottleneck is probably all the X thingies she needs. These are
needs, right? 6.2 uses a bit less system resources than 7.3, but it has
it's faults too... it's no longer supported by redhat. It's also not much
of a multimedia -ready desktop compared to 7.3.
What I would suggest is that she might try knoppix for a while and see if
she (and you) can handle debian. If so, then you'll be off and running
with a good little woody install. 8,000+ programs to chose from, and
software management is a breeze with apt-get.
I was a bit intimidated myself at first moving from redhat, but once I got
the idea of apt-get it got a little easier. Most of the configs are in the
software, so they're pretty generic across the board.
Worth checking out anyways...
Keith Mastin
BeechTree Information Technology Services Inc.
Toronto, Canada
(416)696 6070
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