AGM and Ansible with Myles Braithwaite and Alex Volkov
11 October, 2016 at 07:30 PM
Annual General Meeting (7:30 p.m.)
- GTALUG Update - 5 minutes
- Treasury Update - 5 minutes
- Board Elections - 15 minutes
Ansible (8:00 p.m.)
Ansible allows you to turn your infrastructure administration into a codebase. Describing all the processes that are necessary for deploying a server with a set of provisioning scripts that can be stored in version control.
Myles Braithwaite will be giving an overview of how to deploy and configure your infrastructure with Ansible.
Alex Volkov wil be going over running Vagrant as test environment, setting free as in speech LXC and KVM hypervisors with Vagrant, and notes on getting from bare hardware to running with Debian automated install, and a few wrong Ansible commands.