[GTALUG] KiCad or ...

mwilson at Vex.Net mwilson at Vex.Net
Wed Apr 10 22:17:14 EDT 2024

Colin McGregor wrote:
[ ... ]
> So, CAD software for electronics work that runs under Linux, is
> available under the GPL, what is available? I have looked at KiCad,
> but are there better options out there? Also, looking for learning the
> software in question, are there any good YouTube tutorial videos?

The one I've used is from the Debian package pcb .

At the time, it came along with the schematic design package that is now
called lepton-eda.

Mostly I used the schematic design side, but I did do one very simple
single-microcontroller board that was produced and worked.  I found the
software easy to learn from the available docs.

Kicad seems to have a good reputation, and would probably also be fine.

Usually I build circuits on general-purpose pre-printed PCBs like

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