[GTALUG] Debian Linux as-a-router Guide

Scott Allen mlxxxp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 13:36:32 EDT 2023

On Thu, 7 Sept 2023 at 12:56, James Knott <james.knott at jknott.net> wrote:
> I don't doubt OpenWRT can do those things, but can they do them as well as pfSense?

I'm sure OpenWRT can do them just as well, once configured. I haven't
looked at OpenWRT lately but I previously got the impression that many
add-on packages and even built-in features didn't include GUI
extensions. Configuration of these had to be done from a console.

With pfSense and OPNsense, extending the GUI by installed packages
seems to be the norm.

I'm comfortable configuring using a console, having done it frequently
during my employment, but these days I usually just want to get things
done, without a lot of reading, learning and typing.

Another reason for using OPNsense is just to play with something
different and new to me. :-)


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