[GTALUG] Landline and Bell revisited.

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Thu Sep 7 10:06:23 EDT 2023

Hi folks,
I am privately discussing the mess with Evan off list.
Still I recall someone?  here indicated being connected with bell's CEO?
My situation  basically is this.
because Teksavvy contracts with bell I have spent the last five months 
being promised analog service, paying for some of it, only to have bell 
send  techs over and over again  some of whom engaged in retaliatory 
actions based on other complaints tied to accessibility.
I do have a doctor's note documenting my medical need for analog service, 
something bell refused to read and Teksavvy refused to share even with 
At the moment breech of contract and negligence cases feel  reasonable. 
teksavvy does not monitor what the bell techs actually do, they get paid 
anyway, and I have different stories from the teksavy side, including 
that they do not provide analog service, something I know is untrue.
The copper wiring is still here, I have photos, in spite of bell saying 
Anyway,   still need a solid analog landline door of any kind, service  or 
creative electric wizard smiles.

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