[GTALUG] How do I get wlan0 interface for WiFi with any MAC

BCLUG admin at bclug.ca
Wed Oct 11 16:26:24 EDT 2023

Kevin Cozens via talk wrote on 2023-10-11 12:05:

> What udev(?) rule do I need to add to have the WiFi device come up as 
> wlan or wlan0 regardless of the MAC address that may be associated with 
> the WiFi device?

My first thought: netplan, and found a link explaining it here:


Basically, in /etc/netplan/10-my-config.yaml:

         macaddress: $my_mac_address
       set-name: eth0

Then, `netplan try`, and if the syntax is okay, there's a 120 second 
timer to go to another terminal and `ip link` to see if you now have 
`eth0`. It will auto-revert if one doesn't press [Enter] during the 120 
second timer.

Worked for me...

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