[GTALUG] Linux friendly email providers?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Thu Nov 23 01:10:42 EST 2023

Hi there,
Going to try for clean in context.

On Wed, 22 Nov 2023, Ron / BCLUG via talk wrote:

> I'm guilty of putting myself through that.  Have run email on a small domain 
> for a few years and am in the process of moving several more to an entirely 
> new system.

Ah ha! laughs..but this might  rock my world.

> Been *really* deep in the various configuration options for multi-domain 
> email setup.

Translation: thank you Santa!!

> Oh no!
You have no idea how much I use this address, even for file converting. 
Services, lists..my  sculpting class for those experiencing blindness.

> Yet another step in the ongoing decline of Google.


>>    1, allow me to export all of my gmail content to them.
> I could provide that ability, see below.
I may need to get a better picture, have never used Thunderbird.

>>  2, either allows for user name / password log in directly with a web
>>  interface,
> RoundCube web interface okay?
actually, you would be doing a number of people a huge favor if I can test 
While roundcube has been suggested, there is some confusion around how 
well it can function with speech.
so, delighted to test that theory for sure.

>>  or where I can ssh into a shell or workspace and find an email client,
>>  think Alpine for example.
> Hmmm. Hadn't considered that.
> Perhaps ssh with ForceCommand=/usr/bin/alpine ?
um... my lack of direct Linux awareness is showing.
Still, perhaps?
If it helps, I ssh into  the shell  dreamhost provides my office, finding 
alpine there.
Better example, i use  the current compile of sshdos to reach shellworld, 
which is rooted in Ubuntu.  there are browsers that can provide the what 
to do with an email link,  assuming that the interface does not manage the 
job..but you likely know this.

>>  3, where I can also send email, in theory once I have all of my gmail
>>  content, I can set that email to forward without losing access to a great
>>  deal of personal, professional, and legal files.
>>  Yes, something like Mutt might or might be configured for imap.gmail.com
>>  However, I am not a programmer, and given all the changes google is
>>  making, wonder how long they will allow third party access of that type.
>>  Would rather locate something Linux friendly,  and even pay for a door
>>  then need to construct my own house if that makes sense.
>>  any good options?
> I've considered offering email services, this might be something I could do.
I think I am going to cry!

> How much storage does your email use? My VPS is fairly restricted on space 
> (it can be upgraded).
Oh there is allot I can dump, of course if I can ever see it again.  Not 
much of the standard gmail would provide..what sort of limit?

> As far as "exporting" from another account - I used Thunderbird to drag & 
> drop all messages between (active) IMAP accounts when setting up new system.
How does that look exactly?
Will I have say a folder for the sent mail, one for my current 
inbox..allowing me to clear some of that down, my contact list?
In short  if you remember what basic gmail look like?
I suppose you create a spam folder as well?

> Another question - were you wanting your own domain, or is the domain 
> irrelevant?

I had not considered the question, too busy seeking mail client ideas and 
getting very very confused.
as it turns out I have two domains that are kept at gkg.net, but are not 
associated with a hosting plan.
if that is  too complicated, believe me I would gladly become 
Kare at noodlesoup.ca..if it solves this problem.
Absolutely speechless with joy,

> Cheers,
> rb
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