[GTALUG] GNOME automatically sleeps your computer

bitmap bitmap at imap.cc
Wed Aug 30 22:36:14 EDT 2023

Wow, what an incredibly obnoxious setting to have non GUI configurable. 

In xfce you can use the Power Manager control panel to tune this. Would `xfce-power-manager-settings` work in gnome? Some of the gnome controls work in xfce. 

 Thu, Aug 24, 2023, at 1:31 PM, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote:
> GNOME, at least on Fedora 38 and on debian 12, will put your computer
> to sleep if the mouse and keyboard haven't been used for 15 minutes.
> This makes the rather rash assumption that a computer running GNOME is
> only doing GNOME things, and only for a person active at the console.
> There are many things for which this assumption is wrong.  Here are some 
> for my desktop computer:
> - I have a HexChat IRC client running.  I want messages captured, even if 
>   I am AFK (that's IRC-speak for Away From Keyboard)
> - I run an SMTP server and I want to receive email all the time.
> - I run an SSH server so that I can SSH-in, for example, to read my mail
> - sometimes I do large software builds that take more than 15 minutes.
> - on occasion I've done long running calculations
> - I have cron jobs
> (Window has a similar policy.  I've left a computer to do Windows Update 
> (which can take hours!) only to find it had gone to sleep without 
> accomplishing its task.)
> This change showed up unannouced in Fedora 38 and has created a hubub.
> I don't see a similar upset in the debian community.
> <https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/gnome-suspends-after-15-minutes-of-user-inactivity-even-on-ac-power/79801>
> <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2190021>
> If I look at machines in my family, this policy works for our notebooks
> but generally does not work for desktops.
> I don't think that this should be a GNOME function since GNOME doesn't
> know everything about a machine.  It seems like a better fit with
> systemd.
> To suppress sleep (but only when on AC power) on Fedora 38, create a
> file "/etc/dconf/db/site.d/do-not-suspend", owned by root, and put in
> it these two lines, not indented:
> [org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power]
> sleep-inactive-ac-timeout=0
> Superstition: you probably need to reboot for this to take effect.
> That doesn't work in debian.  If I remember correctly, this does:
> Note, you need to do this for user "gdm", the login screen, too.
> Check setting for $USER that might login at the console:
> $ sudo -u $USER dbus-run-session gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type
> 'suspend'
> Suppress sleep (while on AC power) for $USER:
> $ sudo -u $USER dbus-run-session gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-type nothing
> ---
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