[GTALUG] how many addresses possible

James Knott james.knott at jknott.net
Sun Apr 30 10:52:15 EDT 2023

On 2023-04-30 10:40, o1bigtenor wrote:
> You seem to have this mastered - - - - then:

Yep.  I also had some courses when I was at IBM, in the late 90s, and 
also went for my CCNA a few years ago.
> How do I write more than 254 addresses in ipv4 using only the quad?
> (You get no / anything - - - - just the 4 quads!
> The idea is that these are all permanently set - - - not just flitting
> temporary
> demands a la Mikkie D's example.)

You have fallen into the trap that I've been describing.  That sort of 
thinking has been obsolete for 30 years.  Have you seen any equipment 
that does not allow you to specify the subnet size on IPv4, at least 
other than consumer level gear?  All the "/" does is tell you how long 
the network and host portions of the address are.

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