[GTALUG] IBM - cache skirmish story.

James Knott james.knott at rogers.com
Tue Apr 24 10:23:45 EDT 2018

On 04/24/2018 09:54 AM, Russell Reiter wrote:
>     VAX/VMS was a DEC operating system.  I used to work with it on DEC VAX
>     11/780 systems.
> Whatever she was using for line by line editing of reports. She was a
> fast modal operator and hers was a local cache problem. She was also a
> very serious employee. I wouldn't even look over her shoulder to see
> what she was doing at the time. Her words not mine.

IBM has VM (VM/CMS), which I used when I worked at IBM.  One difference
with IBMs user interface was it was screen based, rather than lines in
other OS.  You still often see it in businesses (I saw it in Lowes the
other day), where the entire screen is processed at once.  The only
other place I've seen screens used, other than web sites, was on the old
telegram system at CNCP.  However, that system was based on a Data
General Nova 800 and used on dumb terminals (made by VST) that used
delay line memory.

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