I reviewed a couple of documents before sending this. The first was the tlug manefesto, in order to try and figure out if my debugging via the list resources was an abuse of list rules.<br>
<a href="http://gtalug.org/wiki/Manifesto">http://gtalug.org/wiki/Manifesto</a><br>
I dunno, is my problem related to linux enough to continue to access this resource. You tell me, you are the many, I am the one. Majority rules etc...<br>
The other documents were related to whether or not the mta on android only sends in base 64. I have not as of yet seen any indication that this is the case. <br>
On the other hand there is a single clue in the history of the problem, in the link provided by Jamon, thanks by the way, the information in your links casts some light in an otherwise murky area.<br>
The response from gmail indicated that a single high bit character in the message would force the message to an encoded format rather than plain text.<br>
Debugging notes: Turned off parent sig. Turned off kluge sig. <br>
This message iniated from news app. Link inserted from clipboard budfer.<br>
Also, turned off latitude. Turned off google locate. Turned off gps and wireless networks.<br>
<grain of salt>I take the right to personal privacy very seriously. In my mind this is a top security issue in the mobile environment. I abandoned MS fifteen years ago because I didn't want bill gates in my head. I sure didn't expect to trade him for google or any other of the other wannabe Illuminati skull and bonesers.<\grain of salt><br>
Any trailer trash or borked text footer in this post?<br>
<a href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15730499">http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15730499</a>