Hi,<br><br>Here is the scenario<br>I have a Supermicro 5025M-2U with a 3Ware 9650SE 8 port controller and a Western Digital WDC WD1002FBYS-02A6B0 disk in it that is reporting an error.<br><br>The 3Ware CLI tool 'tw_cli' has a feature that would allow me to set the 'identify' LED to on or off.<br>
Unfortunately, I don't think I am able to turn this lovely light on, as the device's "Identify Status = N/A".<br><br>/cx/px set identify=on|off (9550SX and 9590SE only)<br> This command sets the LED status of the port. If the identify is set to on, the firmware activates the setting of the corresponding LED of the port. If the setting of the configuration for LED is blinking for identify=on, this will blink the LED of the port. <br>
<br>****** Note: Enclosure services hardware is also required. *******<br><br> Example:<br><br> //localhost> /c0/p5 set identify=on<br><br> Setting Port Identify on /c0/p5 to [on] ... Done.<br><br>I guess, I need to determine if I have 'enclosure service hardware'<br>
<br>Does anyone have anything to suggest I try to determing if I have 'enclosure service hardware'?<br>
(not sure what to look for in say, dmesg for that info)<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>John.<br><br>