Hi all,<br><br>I figured that back-to-school days are probably the best time of year to get a conventional consumer laptop. I generally consider most of them to be commodities; with a few exceptions, most brands feature both gems and turds. I've seen good and bad from HP, Dell and Toshiba. The exceptions are that I've never seen a bad Lenovo or good Acer.<br>
<br>Anyway, this laptop is for shared use so Lauren and I went around the stores. She prefers the feel, balance and touchpad of the Samsung models we saw at Future Shop (not many other sources for that brand...). The unit seems OK and was well rated by Consumer Reports. But such reviews only go so far. When I was netbook shopping more than a year ago I considered the Samsung ones but eventually decided on Asus because of all the cool EeePC-specific stuff for Linux.<br>
<br>So now I'm back considering Samsung, Does anyone here have experiences with Samsung laptops? Is their laptop support in Canada OK? The hardware all looks vanilla enough to make an Ubuntu dual-boot easy enough, does anyone here have experiences otherwise? <br>
<br>Thanks!<br><br>- Evan<br><br>