Hello All,<br><br>First of all, I'd like to say hi to everyone here in the Eastern province, and introduce myself. My name is Tyler Aviss, and I'm joining up from BC to check up and see what the other side of the country is doing linux-wise, and more specifically to see what the current level of professional interest and employment is in regards to Linux.
<br><br>As with many here I'm sure, I started out long ago as a linux dabbler playing with webservers and scripts, ended up working with linux (well, mixed linux/windows/mac) at work and becoming a tech/sysadmin therein, and finally find myself in somewhat of a niche with my primary experience being based around linux and open-source technology in general. It's a wonderful thing, and it's sometimes both more interesting and easier... though not always both at the same time.
<br><br>So now my main background comes from having worked within two school districts, the first being mostly server-based (Debian) work, and the current one - where I am now employed - being based around Debian/RedHat/OpenBSD servers, thin-client based configurations, and open-source software. Actually, we were recently on slashdot and a few other sites in regards to this, although as is common the articles were a little light on the technicalities of such. Also, if there was anywhere one could learn to stretch a buck, it would be working in a school district :-)
<br><br>At the moment I'm faced with a decision. My current employer - though quite good for the moment - doesn't offer a lot of room for advancement anymore. My SO is also out-of-province, in Toronto. I have been hunting down jobs in the GTA, but so far I haven't found a lot that would be suitable. Higher costs of living would dictate that I find something similar to my current earnings, or better, and most of what I've found thus far have been web-developer jobs (and I lack knowledge of flash) or ones that require a lot of experience with Unix or Windows Servers. Most of my experience runs more along the lines of server/network management, desktop integration, and SysAdmin type work. I don't imagine I'd have too much trouble picking up on the intricacies of the Windows/Unix (I have some experience with both, but not a huge amount) environments, but I think my ex
perience would mainly push me towards making more use of my current skillset.
<br><br>So, with that long-winded piece of introduction above, I decided that one of the better ways to learn more about Linux-based interests in the GTA, and the job-market therein, would be to contact the local LUG (aka you guys). Any recommendations of local businesses that might be able to make use of my skills (or better, use my existing skills and let me build new ones) would be great, as well as any references beyond "check google" or "check craigslist."
<br><br>Anyone who can supply some snippets of wisdom, suggestions, or other information would earn my gratitude.<br><br><br><br>Regards,<br><br><br>Tyler Aviss<br>LPIC-2 and all-around nice guy<br>